3 bedr. furnached house in Maarssen for rent 20klm from AMS

This is a furnished house in an amazing location (Maarssen) 1 klm away from Utrecht and 20 Klm south Amsterdam, this is my own house and I have immigrated to Dubai so I'm renting it out, you can register in the Gemeente as I will give you a contract, you can also chose to have the house furnached or empty, you can also chose the number of years that you would like to rent it, also you can chose to rent it including or excluding water, gas & electricity.
The house is in an amazing shape and the neighborhood is gorgeous, it is typical Dutch house with two bedrooms in teh first floor (one of them is huge) and the third bedroom in the zolder, on top of that you have amazing space and additional small room that you can use as office.
You can send me an email to mtobia@juniper.net if you require additional information.
As I live in Dubai, I have left the key with a friend that will help you to view it.
Please send me an email and i will call you back.
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